Saturday, October 19, 2013

In the simplest way, I miss you.

The feeling that comes along with missing someone can be...overwhelming. It's like the moment it hits, it consumes and there's nothing you can really do to stop those thoughts from running rampant in your mind. 

I'm in that state of mind right now. I feel like I won't be okay until I know that they are okay and, honestly, it sucks. 

It's been two years since I've seen this person and for some reason, the smallest thing caused the biggest reaction in me. I can't really seem to think of much else at the moment. Things like "Where are you?" and "How are you?" and "Are you well?" It's like a constant battle and the worst part is knowing that I have no way of truly finding out. 

Here's the thing about missing people, for me. When I miss someone like this, there's an underlying reason. There always has been. And it usually means that there's something wrong. That, of course, only causes me to worry more. 

But I'm getting off point and I digress. Missing someone isn't such a bad thing. To me, it means that this certain someone has implanted themselves and become a part of the deepest part of you. The part where the past doesn't matter. The stupid fights and the break-ups are a thing of the past and the only thing worth it is knowing that they're truly okay. 

Does this make me crazy? Maybe.

I've learned to not question it. The why isn't important. If you miss someone, let yourself miss them. Don't try to manipulate the feeling. You miss them for a reason, but the answer to that is not so important. 

Right now, I'm missing someone and I can honestly say I'm okay with that. I'll lose myself to a memory, put on a record that reminds me, but only for a moment and when it passes, I'll smile and move on. 

As with most emotions and feelings, it's perfectly okay to feel them, so long as you don't let them consume you. 

So, if you're missing someone, let yourself do just that: miss them. Maybe you'll find that it isn't such a bad thing after all. 

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