Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Trouvere: La La Love

If you're wondering just who they are, Trouvere is the duet and La La Love is the EP. Coming out of Nashville, Trouvere (consisting of Greg LaFollette and Shell Snyder) debuted their EP "La La Love" on February 11, 2013 and it is, by far, one of the best of 2013.
This five song EP is the epitome of the word LOVE. Trust, doubt, promises, reassurance. For every emotion you've ever felt whether you're falling in love or you have your feet planted and are simply enjoying the feeling, "La La Love" is definitely one for the books.

The first song off the EP, titled "La La Love," is 1:44 full of just that. From the beginning to the end, this song is the essence of love. It brings forth a smile and the uptempo allows you to dance. (Happy dance, if you will.) Simple feelings of being in love for the first time, being held and feeling safe; support. Dance through the streets with the one you love to this one, because they're the only one you see and the feeling is quite mutual. You had me at, "Hey."

"Your Heart Is My Home" is such a simplistically beautiful song. The feeling of sitting next to the person you love and having that moment when you have to simply breathe because everything seems to click. "We are home." It is the feeling of love put to a melody that makes you sway and sing along. I could easily see Fred and Ginger dancing together to this song as though it was made for them.

"I'll Catch You When You Fall" is, by far, my most favorite song off the entire EP. The melodic tone makes me want to close my eyes and fall in love. Shell's voice is soft, reassuring and completely captivating. I would slow dance to this song on any given day, at any given time. "Let go, darling. Close your eyes. I'll hold you with my heart."
This EP is a classic. It is one that you can and will listen to at any given moment of any given day and it will definitely remind you of the meaning of love. I could easily go on about every song and the musical arrangements of this EP forever, but I don't want to give it all away. I don't fall head over feet for too many voices, but these two, together, are pure bliss.It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you Trouvere:

A: First and foremost, your EP titled "La La Love" is, by far, one of my favorites of 2013. Tell us a little about the EP itself and how you chose the name.

One of the first songs that we wrote together was La La Love, so it made sense that when we introduced ourselves to the world, we used that song. It also encompasses the spirit of who we are as individuals and as a band.

A: What was the inspiration behind the making of La La Love?

Shell had written the chorus melody beforehand and brought it to a writing session.  At the time, she was just singing "la la's" as placeholder lyrics. I thought that we should keep the playfulness of the "la la" lyrics, but should figure out what the song was about. So, I suggested we add the love. After we defined our sound with La La Love, the rest of the songs fell into place pretty easily.

A: Tell us a bit about how the two of you came together to form Trouvere.

I worked on a record with Shell's previous band, Sinclair, as an engineer. I'd worked with a lot of artists at that point, but I knew there was something special about her that made her stand out. From then on, in the back of my head, I made a mental note to work with her in the future. Then I did.

A: Who are some of your biggest influences?

These aren't necessarily influences, but here are some bands we like at the moment:
Shell: The Lumineers, Gungor, M.I.A.
Greg: Hem, The National, and Justin Bieber

Fill in the blank: Music is awesome.

Okay, this is where the fun begins. I want to play a game. Word association. First word that comes to mind when you read the listed word. Ready? Go!

Greg: Improvement
Shell: Family

Greg: Peace (I know that doesn't make sense...Shell wouldn't let me change my answer.)
Shell: Heart

Greg: You can...
Shell: Sonny and Cher

Greg: Cash
Shell: Salsa

Greg: Lilli (my niece)
Shell: Life

Greg: France
Shell: France

Thank you SO much for allowing me to talk to you two! It was a pleasure and all of you should go and download the La La Love EP here: Download
Be sure to to follow them on Twitter and show your love! @trouveretheband

Tell your family, your friends and even strangers! Spread the word! LA LA LOVE.

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